In this session Brian Clinkenbeard, one of the prolific and beloved security gurus of the industry, will look at exposing failures in incident response through case study. Brian is an interesting character, as you will learn immediately. His brain works much faster than his lips. He will entertain and challenge you. And, if you listen carefully, you will truly be educated on something significant in security.
Incident Response: Exposing the Cause and other Cascade Failures
Incident response can be painful when internal operations are not staffed, trained, or prepared for a proper response. These types of responses not only expose flaws and vulnerabilities specific to the incident being investigated, but often end up highlighting other vulnerabilities as well.
This presentation explores how an incident response itself not only exposed the root causes, vulnerabilities, failed processes, and procedures, which, in the end, look exactly like the incident being investigated. Here, a suspected internal threat is ultimately found guilty only of incompetence to secure themselves, or the organization.
About Brian
Virtual CISO and Inventor of new and innovative approaches and methods for cyber security. Cyber Sec Asset in CONSTANT TRAINING - Dev Guru. As a technology executive familiar with multi-tenant product architecture, competitive analysis, technology vision expertise and
e-commerce expert, Clinkenbeard suggests "I knock on the sky and listen to the sound." Your technology should be a peripheral to you, not vice-verse.
Hear Brian May 10-11 2022 Register for Austin Cyber Show Zoom Events
Join US and Canada cyber community members at the inaugural Austin Cyber Show Conference at Concordia University Texas, May 10-11. During the two-day cyber defense conference, participants can engage in discussions with peer leaders and industry experts on the cyber risks and challenges that businesses, leaders, developers, educators, and students face each day.