Protecting customer's data privacy has become a new source of stress for any company with a web presence. Compounding that, international trade requires compliance with international privacy laws regarding the collection, storing, and use of personal information to avoid fines that can add up to millions of dollars.
In this presentation we will compare privacy regulations from the US and from other -- European Union (GDPR), Switzerland (FDPA), Japan (APPI), Brazil (LGDP) -- countries and their impact on online business. We will also touch on how to balance these laws and on how to turn such compliance into benefit to their business.
About Kim Green
Kim Green (Cisco CCNA R&S, CCNA Sec; CompTIA A+, CySA+; ecfirst CCSA; Microsoft MCSA; PaloAlto ACE, PCEC) is an IT Professional passionate about community building, networking, and security. She has presented to local chapters of ISSA and OWASP, North Carolina PBL, and been a guest speaker at Triangle InfoSeCon. Kim is also published in Academy and Raleigh ISSA.
Hear Kim May 10-11 2022 Register for Austin Cyber Show Zoom Events
Join US and Canada cyber community members at the inaugural Austin Cyber Show Conference at Concordia University Texas, May 10-11. During the two-day cyber defense conference, participants can engage in discussions with peer leaders and industry experts on the cyber risks and challenges that businesses, leaders, developers, educators, and students face each day.