Remaining Ransom Aware
Ransomware, among the most intimidating threats on today’s security horizon, is an issue best approached from a “not if but when” perspective. It’s no longer enough to bolster your defenses. Today’s CISO should know what to do when one gets past the goalie.
We’ll discuss:
• Defensive practices for those hoping
to avoid a ransomware attack
• Practical steps for those who find themselves in a ransomware situation
• The pros and cons you’ll need to weigh when choosing whether to pay
Todays CISO should know what to do when one gets past the goalie
Mustapha Kebbeh
Chief Information Security Officer CISO
As Chief Information Security Officer for a global enterprise, I head vision and strategy for all IT cybersecurity, enterprise risk management, and IT enterprise architecture impacting 75,000 employees around the world. My goal is to protect information data and technologies from actual and potential threats, both internal and external to the organization.
My strength involves continually fortifying corporate security through standardization, training, and innovative technology to empower employees on all levels. Through my efforts, I have helped Brinks, IBM, Vodaphone, and CompuCom safeguard their IT infrastructure and mitigate risk from malicious hackers, human error, and general security gaps.
Key factors include bringing in the right talent, building a culture of security-minded personnel, and getting everyone involved. It’s also critical to think about the business from more than a security viewpoint by selecting tools and technology to drive revenue and business growth as well as system protection.
Hear Mustapha May 10-11 2022 Register for Austin Cyber Show Zoom Events
Join US and Canada cyber community members at the inaugural Austin Cyber Show Conference at Concordia University Texas, May 10-11. During the two-day cyber defense conference, participants can engage in discussions with peer leaders and industry experts on the cyber risks and challenges that businesses, leaders, developers, educators, and students face each day